Okay, so we may not be shouting it through the rooftops (and that's only because my babies were sleeping), but - and I'm almost afraid to write this - we love All My Children right now! From Tad acting his age to Brooke and Annie going head to head, to a trip down memory lane with our beloved Dixie, to the return of the REAL Greenlee (and we're not talking about the actress!), the residents of our beloved Pine Valley are feeling like their old selves again. And we here at the PVP are grateful.
This is the show we grew up with, folks - the quiet moments that our co-host Shadow talks about, the relationships, the warts-and-all characters that we love no matter their foibles. (Well, maybe there are a few we could do without.) Thank you, Lorraine. Thank you. You're one of the greats.
So for the few of you who didn't always appreciate our frank commentary on the sad state of affairs (IOHO) at AMC, tune into this 'cast. We even complained about One Life to Live! (We'd like to think we're nothing if not fair.)
So turn on and tune in, viewers. And please, please, please let us know what you think here.