Monday, April 18, 2016

Big Lives, Little Lives, Latin Lives!

There ain't shit going on on television, so we're getting our entertainment from the cyber-screen!  Yeah, this week we talk about soaps, reality, primetime, but we're also super-duper excited about the season premiere of Latin Lives, so pardon us if we'd really rather just talk about that.

Of course, we really, really, *really* wan to hear from you. If you will, just leave those ass-toot comments on ANYTHING entertainment here.

4/07/16 Podcast

1 comment:

brtedi said...

Hi, Ashley!

I've been offline for quite sometime. But, when I heard you didn't know a lot about Merle Haggard, I thought this article might help. (Just so you know, Oildale and Bakersfield were once separate towns. But, Oildale is actually an area within the city of Bakersfield. I should know, I live in Bakersfield.)

Here's a link about Merle Haggard.