Monday, February 05, 2007

Death By Pancake

  • Our beloved Dixie is dead. (Nothing else to talk about, really.)
I don't know about y'all, but I'm emotionally exhausted from all of this ridiculousness. If you have anything left in you to share, you can do so here.

2/2/07 Podcast


Anonymous said...

first of all like always you guys are hilarious and i'm glad your continuing this podcast because i will no longer watch "All My Children" but will contiue to follow by your commentary just to see what's happening w/ my Martins/Chandler men w/ the addition of that angel Kathy/Kate.also i hope Taylor feels better soon.
now on to the topic of this now ridiculous (but was once great) soap has become.DEATH BY PANCAKES!STUPID AND INSULTING to the fans and actress.although i hear the insult will continue when they give Dixie(who BTW,sholud be buried before throwing the hack/senseless PARTY)w/ another character "air hog"(who will turn up alive) a double funeral.DAMN those bastards are cheap.anyways Monday and especially Tuesday was draining.from the flashbacks to the family members emotionsetc.BTW,i thought Kelli G(Di) was actually good because she was the voice of the viewers when she kept saying WHY??? highlights:Tad:his whole monologue about her(Dix) being the only one and getting married and divorce a couple more times etc.Opal saying:say hey to my Jenny! Jr:you're w/ the stars now!then last but not least angel Dixie putting her hand on the shoulders of her boys and then realizing Kathy was Kate then waving goodbye(which to me it was more than waving good bye to Kathy but to us as well!)Cady/Dixie you will be sorely missed!:( although the fans are not giving up and it's always possible to find a way to bring her back *crossing fingers*.

Anonymous said...

rumor mill:ok i heard they are recasting Greenlee but not only that but they are negotiating w/ Rebbeca B. to return because she's territorial w/ her there anything else you could say about that? also it was also said 2 vets wanted to leave but now one is negotiating as well to stay.any hints? thanks in advance for any help in clearing this up.

Anonymous said...

its not the same without dixie....

Anonymous said...


YOU GO GIRL! I am listening to the podcast of this week while on my lunch break and I want to yell wiht you. F**K off AMC writers, McTrash, Fronz and the rest of them.

Can we get this whole horrible storyline reversed?

I keep hoping against hope that we will get our Tad/Dix/Kate reunion and undo all of this stupidy.

Needless to say, my last and only reason for watching this show is now enjoying the warm weather in California. If Dixie comes back (and dixie, not some new look alike just to get Cady back), then so will I.

I've written to TPTB. Will that matter? Maybe you, with your insiders knowledge, will let us know. I'll keep listening to your podcast, but I am actually not interested in the show. Maybe you can talk about hair and makeup?

Kate said...

Oh, Tuesday's show was the saddest show I have ever seen. But it was also beautiful; I think they handled Dixie's death very nicely. But it shouldn't have happened at all! Dixie was AMC's sunshine! Cady was the best actress of the whole show, and TPTB fired her for no reason. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?? It's ridiculous!

Ashley, you said you were yelling at the screen during the last scene in the park. Well, I don't think I had the strength to yell; I was too busy bawling my eyes out. But I'm sure on the inside I was cursing up a storm, hehe.

Right now I'm not watching the show. I don't have the drive or the will to tune in. It is nothing without Dixie. BUT something might lead me back; I do have other favorite characters. But for more AMC! IT SUCKS!!!!

I'd rather watch endless Lizzie crap on GL and all the mob violence on GH! And right now OLTL is the best! No more AMC for me! (At least for now...)

Kate said...

Oh, I forgot...

I wrote an entry about the whole Dixie/Cady thing on my blog if you guys want to check it out...

It's not the first entry, but it's there. :)

Anonymous said...

You yawn, but I'll bet Maggie is the killer. It will end up being some lame love/hate thing she had with the Fushion girls...hate of Babe for stealing Bianca's baby (who must have been stollen again since we haven't seen her). The writing is so bad these days that the whole Zack connection will fail to materialize.

Anonymous said...

i heard that rachel (spikes nanny) was the killer. i hope to god it isnt true. the show will DEF get cancled if it is true, and then we know its on purpose

Anonymous said...

how can it be Spike's nanny? We don't know anything about her at all. I think it will be someone we know on the show. My best guess to date is a woman who was in love with Raymond, who hated Amelia and knows that Zack is his son. My vote is for...Marian! She HAS killed before!

Puddin said...

Maybe the Satin Slayer is the one suspect we've all overlooked -- it could be none other than our beloved Erica Kane. Just think of it - she has motive: killing all of the young, beautiful women so she can be the only Diva in Pine Valley!! She's killed before, too.

Ashley said...

taylor thinks it's spike.

i think it's alexander cambias sr. come back to life. (that would be a GREAT idea! a "back-from-the-dead" storyline! it would make soap opera history!!!)

Anonymous said...

Here's a spoiler:

alexander cambias sr. grave is dug up and no body is found! hmmmm
Also Zoe get's attaced and Jr leaves her to die. But she does not die

Anonymous said...

This week's podcast is the best you have done yet! It's an instant classic. I listened at work and really had to maintain my composure because I wanted to laugh out loud! Thank you so much for making this show enjoyable.

Rob said...

Hmm Lisa . . . best yet? THIS IS THE ONE WHERE I WAS OUT SICK. You are cruel!


Anonymous said...

I am soooooo sorry! I posted on the wrong week! I meant the Feb. 11 podcast. Your opening songs are the best and really set the tone for the whole podcast. I'm glad you are all better!