Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We're feeling a not-so-great case of deja vu here at The Pine Valley Podcast.

A work stoppage and head writer switches are among the, uh, things that have us, well, a little less than optimistic this week as we head into week 7 of the return of our All My Children and One Life to Live. Now that we've had our say (and boy, do we have our say), what do you, dear viewers and listeners, think of it all!  Let it rip (You don't need to be gentle!), here

6/11/13 Podcast


Norn Cutson said...

Whooooaaaaaaahhhhhh, Colby & Petey!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow said...

Monday on a Very Special Episode of 'All My Children': There's Something About Colby.

El Rizzo said...

When she went down and he started moaning...should of cut scene...I love a hot sex scene as much as the next person...there was nothing hot or sexy about it. I get we are online and different rules...does it mean we really need to do it all...just because we can? Jmo...

Laura said...

There's something to be said for leaving something to the imagination.

Arizonagal said...

Haven't seen it yet but after reading the above, I can't wait!

Shadow said...

ITA. No need to actually watch his facial expressions during the moment. I think they thought the computer stuff made it work, but it got a little oogie. Some loved it though. I really don't mind updating the standards and practices to something less Disney, but I really don't want it to get too graphic or profane. It's not 50 Shades of Gray or whatever. I think they're experimenting with what works. I'll give them this, they got a ton of press and social media discussion yesterday. Takes the edge off the production issues that keep mucking up the mojo.

Shadow said...

I focus on execution, story, characters, promotion. Prospect Park has done some incredibly amazing stuff putting these shows together. Both shows have their strong points. The biggest problem is simply constraint - fewer sets, fewer characters that fill in the lines, fewer episodes, fewer direct ways to get in front of viewers, fewer ways to quantify success, fewer staff to do all the jobs taken for granted at ABC and so forth. Jordan is correct. The fact that PP has done good things can't excuse a sloppy end product, but there has always been concern whether or not this entire venture is going to work. I don't think there is anything so terrible that can't be fixed. I do think being more direct and to point about the decisions affecting viewership would ease viewer anxiety. I don't necessarily know that it helps them financially. In terms of the concept of constraint, PP is in a new medium and new business model trying to be edgy but hang on to the traditional fan base. That's tough. They can't be everything to everyone. They gotta know your audience and commit to the brand. If they want be the Real AMC and Real OLTL, they need to get the characters they're missing and write good stories appropriate for them. Add some kids for development and longevity. If they want to be edgy and young, they may have purchased the wrong shows, but go for it. Write good stories. Inegrate the age groups. Don't be unecessarily vulgar and crass. Even for the younger demos, I don't think PP is intending to produce Skins: All My Children Edition. So drop the potty talk and extended orgasm scenes. The rest of it -- union issues, etc. -- get that shit together. Fast. That kind of stuff totally kills the moementum created by all the fantastic stuff done in the beginning. PP TOLN needs to air more shows or increase the length a bit and stick to it. I totally see the problems now, but that's no excuse to overlook challenges overcome and potential moving forward. PP TOLN can't keep playing the "new medium" or "new business model" much beyond this year. Hopefully this hiatus is giving them time to figure some of that stuff out. Union issues or not, they needed a break to retool and strategize the remainder of the year.

Norn Cutson said...

I was surprised y'all didn't like Colby!

I enjoyed Petey's pretty blowjob face, but it was uncomfortable watching it with my family....
It makes sense on OLTL because it's always been edgier, but AMC is about family, and watching WITH family, so it just didn't feel right.

Shadow said...

Exactly Norn. Still, I love Colby. She's got spunk! LOL.

Norn Cutson said...

Jordan, Matthew is goin to CANADA!!!!

Nora's havin' fun being THE NIGHTBIRD.

Nice Dorian & David scenes today.... foreshadowing something....

Ok, this scene with Matthew calling in to THE NIGHTBIRD was masterful.... It started out playing it for laughs, but then it twisted into both characters having a moment of realness, and I got teary-eyed. I have to sat that Nora has been much more likeable in the new OLTL. And I LOVE how proud & supportive Bo is of Nora.

Dani: "There's nothing sexier than a guy with balls!"

Fun Kassie DePaiva bloopers at the end.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one that this podcast episode doesn't show up on itunes on my computer? I can listen to it on my ipad, however I like to download it to my ipod and I can't.

Shadow said...

We reposted it to iTunes. Some sort of glitch. Sorry!

San Fran Jason said...

I am far from a prude but watching Pete Cortland getting a beej from Colby Chandler was too much. I felt dirty watching it for some reason.

Laura said...

I finally got around to listening to it! Sorry, I hope you don't reduce your episodes because I didn't get up at 5 am to listen. :P

As many of you know, when PeePee went from 4 episodes to 2, FX Canada stopped airing both OLTL and AMC. This means that to watch in Canada, you have to pay because the only option is iTunes Canada. $9.99 for 20 episodes, including the More. So, I chose AMC. I am enjoying it. I don't know if I will renew when my 20 is up, though. It's kind of pricey for what you get.