Monday, December 04, 2006

A Week of Self-Discovery and Hidden Talents....

  • Babe realizes that she can't really love both J.R. and Josh at the same time.
  • Kendall discovers that Ryan has some powerful lil' swimmers.
  • Mini-hands Julia finds an alternative use for her mini-hands.
  • In addition to television production, medicine and cosmetics marketing, Josh is also really good at arts and crafts.

How you feelin' Zarf so far? Post your thoughts here.

12/1/06 Podcast


Anonymous said...

i like zarf. his downfall is that he thinks babe is some goddess haha but i think the character is deep and also even if people are against the issue theyre gonna watch to see what happens, so it is a smart move for AMC cause aint nobody but me n u guys watching lately

Anonymous said...

Zarf feels like a desperate attempt by ABC to pull in some ratings. I am hoping that the actor pulls the storyline off, but so far, I am not impressed at all. The articles I have read on this character make it sound like he is having a sex change operation because he falls in love with a lesbian, so he wants to become a woman to be with her (Bianca). I am hoping that isn't how the storyline plays out because it is a huge decision to change your gender and the people I have known who have done it were miserable in their skin.

Anonymous said...

i dont think Bianca makes Zarf want to transition from a man to a woman. All my children is consulting with transgender organizations and im sure they would not approve of a man deciding he want to be a woman because he likes a lesbian. I believe zarf is already in this transition or has def. already decided he was uncomfortable in his body, this is not something you decide overnight, or on the fusion roof

Anonymous said...

yeah we need to learn more about zarf before we can figure out if this will be a good storyline or not. atleast it's entertaining and since we know where it's going it's making it more exciting to watch. we all love bianca and the fact that she's gonna be in it more is good enough for me, but i like zarf.. hopefully they do a good job with it. don't forget about the serial killer, that's always exciting, and since they're getting rid of all the extras.. there will be a few new characters. overall, it'll definitely make up for all the boredom we've endured. maybe they've learned their lessons and will come up with new stories quicker, as opposed to dragging everything out for so long.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to Zarf because I enjoy Bianca and she could use someone a little weird and fun to zing up her life. Just get Binx some jello shots!

P.S. If the serial killer is supposed to be exciting, at least let us see something cause just finding dead people isn't interesting either. We miss you Simone!!

Anonymous said...

Yess lets all say hip hip hoorayyyyyy for a Bianca storyline getting more airtime than colby and sean at pine valley high

Puddin said...

I agree with Jillybean - if we wanted to see the teenagers, we'd be watching "High School Musical." Let's hope the writers will get back to the old school AMC. And thank goodness it looks like our beloved Binx is finally getting a storyline.

Ashley said...

i'm feelin' that!!! and she's gettin' a storyline that she's good at -- if anyone can make an "issue" storyline work, it's binks. both the rape and the lesbian storyline were 2 really important AMC storylines, and she made them work. binks is back!