Monday, March 12, 2007

Wake Me Up When It's Over...

  • and Dixie is alive,
  • Alex Cambias, Sr. is still dead,
  • and "The Satin Slayer" is a Nancy Drew mystery that Lily is reading.


So it's really over... The "Satin Slayer" storyline has come to an end (at least, we hope). Now that McTavish is gone, what's a (new) head writer to do? We touched on it in the last poll, but it was so much fun, let's do it again! How do we get Dixie back? How do we undo the stupidity that was the result of McTavish's "Reign of Terror?" Show ABC Daytime what you've got here.

3/9/07 Podcast


Anonymous said...

Great podcast this week, guys! Just a little FYI...Alicia Minshew's first name is pronounced Ah-LISH-ah. Just in case she listens to ya! ;)

Anonymous said...

haha i love the idea about tad's dream!! i actually think that could work!! =]

Anonymous said...

yes please. we wont ask any questions if tad wakes up, rolls over and kisses Dixie.

Anonymous said...

they need to get dixie back. tad should have a fantisize where tad dreams and sees her...Same with JR possibly.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way Dr. Madden can come back from the dead just so Tad isn't a murderer anymore??

Anonymous said...


- Taylor

Anonymous said...

how long are they gonna wait to let Tad in on the fact that Kat-hey is really Kate??????????????????????? how do they sit around the table and say hmmm Tad finding his missing daughter or Blandie and Ryan visit NYC?.....Blandie and Ryan wins! COME ON!!! ridiculous

Anonymous said...

here's my idea since everyone is going with the dream sequence theory i'm going with writing a horrible book to explain this whole mess!
MMT *cough, cough* i mean Del is writing a book called "Killing All My Children." then each of the characters have been reading parts of it and are finally at the end of their rope of reading the mess.they are all angry with good reason making Tad into a torturer/murderer, JR with that he was trying to kill Babe but got Kendall instead, Dixie that she gave up Kate and not only that but was killed at the end etc. he wrote it like this with much conflict because he feels that's the way to sell his ridiculous book! they(most of PV)are so appalled(pretty much want to smack him into next week) and can't take it anymore that they just throw the pages(scripts)in the fire place! then we find out what's really been going on with the characters since it really wouldn't matter much to recap since most of the stuff is repeated dialogue anyways! it will also still give us all the characters we want ex. DIXIE ALIVE AND WELL! ;)

Anonymous said...

Apologies if this has already been posted, but Thorsten Kaye's first name is pronounced like with the "t" in "tick", not like with the "th" in "thick".

Love you guys, the show is hysterical and mostly dead on (Rendall? Ugh. Zendall? Yay!)

Anonymous said...

^ ^ ^to make things clear from what i posted above CADY/DIXIE ALIVE AND WELL! absolutely NO RECAST! CADY MCCLAIN IS AVAILABLE and said in SOW if they contacted her she would consider it so call her already AHIC, suck it up and admit your mistakes. GIVE US WHAT YOU PROMISED AND SHAMEFULLY PROMOTED which is TnD/Kathy"Kate"/fam reunion!!!

Anonymous said...

who cares how you spell thorstens name...he ruined a great show. they should have killed him...not Dixie!

Anonymous said...

I didn't care about Satin Slayer story at all and Zack's father was really not my cup of tea. For the first week, I fast forwarded all the scenes except Zarf's. I've been thinking about Nancy Drew in connection to Lily ever since her appearance in Zack's new office this week. How weird to see that connection on this web site. Bianca is really pretty but I can't believe what Kendall has to wear. Those shiny purply outfits are bizarre. The fusion office looks a little 80s as well. This show is really unlike anything I have ever seen. Has it always been like this?