Monday, August 27, 2007

It's All Starting to Unravel (Slowly....)

  • In her grief for her children, Kendall pulls a Bianca. (I know you all remember when Bianca took "Bess" people!)
  • Ava pulls a Madonna and kisses Amamda (except it's half as sexy).
  • Jamie pulls a Jake, and Babe conveniently remembers that she loves him.
So Pedro gets his wish! His question is (and it's a good one), in an "act-off," who wins? Aspiring Aidan? or Jumpin' Jackson? You decide, please, here.

8/25/07 Podcast


BELINDA said...

I haven't been able to download or listen to the last two podcasts. They get to a certain point, then freeze. Anyone have any ideas about what I might be doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

try getting them on itunes..
i've never had a problem with it

so.. an act-off between Aiden and Jack..
I'd have to say Jack, because I REALLY could care less about Aiden right now. I don't think I've ever enjoyed him in a storyline, especially when he was with Maria.

Can't wait for you to come back, Taylor!
But Ashley and Pedro.. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Jackson would win, Aiden has no apparent talent. He's rather stiff, and not in a good way.

Great podcast, as usual, Ashley and Pedro.

Anonymous said...

why was Greenlee holding her side the whole episode today (Monday)???? I kept rewinding to see if I missed anything, but there was nothing that happened that would have her do that...

Laura said...

Download the Office All My Children Podcast on ITUNES to see Greenpea! Yuck

Miss you Taylor.

Anonymous said...

Hi again...I saw my post up yesterday am, but now it is gone???? My comment was that Jackson would win for convincing us he could love Erica, but Aiden might upset him if he can make us believe he has fallen for Greenlee.
Also...the continuity of this show is terrible. The doctors tell Zack and Kendall not to talk in front of Ian, and then in the next scene, there they are..talking to him. Do the writers think that we forget things during commercial breaks?

Aprillian said...

It depends on who they are with. Greenlee and Aiden are actually good together I think. Jackson and Greenlee are horrible. Has Aiden ever talked to Erica? Jackson is good with Lily but then everyone is, sorry Jordan, just the fact that she annoys you says to me she's a good actor. I think Aiden is a good actor as well, just had minimal story lines. I think he will break out with the upcoming Greenlee thing. I am enjoying his slide into being sympathetic to her, then he will admire her and then they will fall in love and I think we will see them both blossom as characters.

Anonymous said...

hey guys! another great podcast!!!!! I like Pedro (peter) LOL hes great! but of course i miss Taylor and cant wait for his return! your songs are gettin HILARIOUS Ashley, Taylors gonna have to bring it when he comes back hahaha <3 you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

OH i almost forgot. how about Greenlees line today to Aiden somethin like, "its the only thing i find interesting about you" LOL Greenlee you aint so interesting yourself these days but that sure was funny! The writers must be listening to u guys FINALLY!

Anonymous said...

I have been watching AMC since Nina and Cliff were getting married. A really long time... This show is painful to watch now.

Thanks for the podcast. It is definitely more entertaining than the show at this point.

Long Time Watcher...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley,

Your singing at the start of the last two episodes was fantastic. Peter/Pedro is too droll for words and I love Jordan's exhaustive knowledge of the show. If only the writers knew the characters and their histories as well as he does!

OK Ashley, you snookered me into watching today's (Wednesday) episode after all your comments about things getting better. Hmmm is all I have to say. It was great seeing Zach hold the little kangaroo they're calling Ian. Greenlee in the hospital was either drunk, high or at the zenith of Sabine's bad acting. And Blandie is as whiney and annoying as ever!

Heard that Julia will be back at the end of the week and will be hooking up with Josh. They did have chemistry way back when he was first on the show. That would be worth watching. I'd previously heard that she was going to be getting close to Tad so who knows.

Love the podcast so keep it coming!

Terry in Toronto

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley. After all of your comments about the show getting better, I too, had to finally sit down and watch again. It did not hurt that I turned it on in time to see the Amamda/Ava kiss...yowza! I am ready to watch the show on a regular basis, probably not every day, as the storylines are moving too slowly. I do think it also helped that I stopped reading spoilers...I had nothing to look forward to. So thanks again for watching FOR me for the last few weeks! STACY

Anonymous said...

Ashley, you sing like a bird - lovely voice! Hey, did you hear Ryan is going to trip the light fantastic on this season's Dancing with the Stars? Should be very entertaining. I hope he does well.

One question, is Pedro married. He sounds rather sexy!

Misses B.

Anonymous said...

Where's the *((*(^^%&%&*&^*&^*&^ PODCAST???????

Ashley said...

It'll be up in a few minutes, people!