Monday, May 14, 2007

Say What??

  • The love of Greenlee's life is Ryan?
  • Blandie is Ryan's lifeline?
  • Kendall cares just because?

What do TPTB take us for? As new writers come on board, revisionist history runs rampant. Tell us your "favorite" piece of All My Children revisionist history here. (And if you wanna take a shot at who Can't-Land-A-Manda should be with, we'll take that too.)

5/11/07 Podcast


Anonymous said...

The most ridiculous thing is Kendall being not just OK with Ryan marrying Annie but throwing them a shower, blocking Greenlee and wanting them to be happy! Is this new Kendall on Janet´s drugs. Somebody take the happy pills away from her because we need the spoiled biotch little Miss Kane back.

tallytofu said...

I'm sooo glad you guys were mad at Greenlee calling RYAN the love of her life... hello, Leo? The whole thing's kind of a mess. Hopefully when they get a real headwriter in place they can make some sense of it. They don't have a permanent headwriter yet. For the moment, the show is being written by an interim writing team. Hopefully they'll also give Amanda a man! If I could pick, I would pair her up with Josh. How hot would that be?!?

About the New Beginnings scenes... I read they actually taped those scenes on the same day as the Zoe segments, so some of the audience members could have been the same.

Thanks again for another great podcast! I LOVE the Josh and Annie impressions... keep them coming! :+)

Anonymous said...

They are rewriting ALL of the characters and I HATE IT!!!!! Janet seemed to function fine for most of Amamda's childhood, but now we hear she was in and out of hospitals? This new Janet is way too one dimensional. As a matter of fact..ALL of the charaters are too one dimensional and have NO DEPTH!!!

I also hate that the writers seem to forget recent history. I still can not get past the fact that Adam escaped from Oak Haven, yet it has never, ever been addressed by Derek. Glad to know that it is just fine by Pine Valley PD that escaped mental patients can just run around unchecked!

Anonymous said...

i just have one question. With Dixie, Brooke and David axed, with Julias maternity leave (no kathy), and Babe and Jamie leaving, what exactly are we going to be watching in a few months? The Ryan and Annie show with scenes from the chronicles of Ava and Sean? TPTB need to figure something out fast cause even amazing Characters (ie Kendall Ryan) are acting ridiculous and unrealistic for them.

Anonymous said...

Why is everybody being so damn mean to Greenlee? All she did was leave cause she got upset (with reason) about what went down. I love Kendall, but I hate the way she's being with Greenlee. How could she side with a girl she barely knows over someone she considered as her sister. I hate this!!! Also, Ryan is such an a**hole. After all that he did to Greenlee, lying to her, letting her be attacked by Crazy Johnny, and then almost beating the sh** out of her, the least he owes her is to apologize and perhaps lick the bottom of her shoes. Who is he to act like she's just some pest that showed up out of nowhere?!! These writers were doing good, but now they're pissing me off. I hate the way they're writing her reunion. IT SUCKS!!

Anonymous said...

re: Greenlee

I think it would have been different if she took out her revenge on Ryan alone, but Greenlee wrecked Annie's wedding too. And Annie has lots of friends; even Kendall admits that RYAN AND ANNIE ARE THE BREAKOUT COUPLE OF 2007! I'm really suprised Ryan acted as calmly as he did.

Greenlee, you're living in the past!


Anonymous said...

are they trying to turn JR into a surfer?
seriously, what's up with his hair?

new Greenlee is growing on me.. except for that scene on the bench with Jack i thought it was kinda fake. also, she's just too happy. too perky or something. but i guess we'll see how it goes.

congrats on another great podcast.
i love the annie and josh impressions!!
keep 'em coming ashley and taylor!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, talk about going from one extreme to another! Somewhere between "rabid neanderthal fight club Ryan" and "Mr Mom pussy-whipped sensitive guy Ryan", there has to be a real person. No matter what he's playing, Ryan is always 1D. And BTW TIIC, what is the point of bringing back one of the nastiest, most unlikeable characters you've ever had? I'm talking about Mean Greenlee here. If TIIC wanted to drive a wedge between Ryan and Annie, there were plenty of other ways to do it. This version of Greenlee is not compelling. Becky Budig made that loathesome creature gritty and edgy. And, in an effort to end on a positive note, Taylor and Ashley, your podcast rules!
