Monday, September 10, 2007

A Short - But Kind of Sweet - Week

  • Blandie actually reveals her secret (and I'm starting to sort of care).
  • Krystal and "Stuart" bond.
  • Aidan and Greenlee make love (I care about this only because it means brief but welcome moments of silence from both of them).
  • New Troublesome Teens party in Philly (and away from Pine Valley).
It's been a sweet week for the most part in Pine Valley, but it will be sweeter next week when Taylor Crawford returns for what may be his final appearance on the Podcast. Send Taylor your thoughts and best wishes, here.

9/7/07 Podcast


Anonymous said...

noooo say it isn't so not Taylor! why? please stay Taylor! i've already been missing the i have a plane Josh impersonation and Hannah will be back! WE NEED YOU IT'S JUST WON'T BE THE SAME IF YOU GO! first i lost my Cady/Dix to my once fav soap now i could loose Taylor to my fave podcast!:*(

Anonymous said...

^^^ where i put *to* i meant *from* my once fav...see how i'm already affected. i can't even form my sentences (thoughts) right.

Anonymous said...

can you please put in on itunes?

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! why isn't taylor coming back!?!?
i'm not sure what i'll do without the josh impressions.
seriously, taylor, think LONG AND HARD about not coming back, WE LOVE YOU!!!

Ashley said...

it's upon iTunes now...

a xo

Anonymous said...

TAYLOR! We NEED you to stay! PLEASE! You are half the reason I started listening to the PVP. We have missed you so much and knowing you were coming back has kept me going. It could never be as good if you left. We are begging you..........

Anonymous said...

Taylor, I just heard Hillary Clinton on the news say "suspend your disbelief." Sounds to me like you guys have a listener in high places. Taylor Crawford, your legions of fans are going to seriously miss the heck out of you. I wish you well in your future endeavors and hope you check in from time to time. Ashley, I know the podcast will be in good hands as long as you continue to favor us with your insights.


Laura said...

Taylor, I miss you. I keep thinking I'll see you when I am in Dubuque walking around the junky mall JFK mall with the leaky ceiling.