Monday, August 10, 2009

California, There They Go

Well, Brian Frons must be pleased with himself. When he hired Chuck Pratt as Head Writer of All My Children, he probably thought that would be the end. No more daytime! We kill All My Children with Pratt's sucktastic writing, and the others will follow. After all, AMC is the lead-in to both One Life to Live and General Hospital. But no! He didn't count on "those things you call - The Fans" being loyal. Somehow, many of us are still hanging in there - hoping - praying - that the madness will end. That our Brooke, our Dixie, will come back! That the vets will get stories worthy of their talent, that Man-Hands JaLu will take a long walk on a short pier, that Erica will grow up gracefully, and that the phrase "dead behind the eyes" will be a thing of the past! Why? Because we love our show! It's our AMC, Fronsie!

So what did Frons go ahead and do? He all but killed the thing with one stroke of his fat hand. Signed away AMC's New York studio space to OLTL, and announced the move to Ca-lih-for-ny-ay. La-La land, it is, forcing much of the cast and crew at best to quit, and at worst, to leave family and friends behind. Honestly, I would have preferred that he man-up and just cancelled the damn show. Just be done with it, dude! But no - he's chosen a long, torturous death for the show. And the vets, the staff, the cast (most of them, anyway) deserve more. Much more. EFF YOU FRONSIE! EFF YOU PRATT! I DUTCH OVEN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There. I feel better. DO your thing, people, here.

8/7/09 Podcast


Terry in Toronto said...

Can't wait to hear what Ashley and Jordan have to say about the AMC move to Pine Valley, CA.

jason said...

I beyond happy there's a podcast this moring! I have a two hour car ride today and Ashley and Jordan will make it go by 10x faster!

jason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jason said...

I'm beyond happy is what I meant to say :-)

Karen Kaye said...

I hate to admit this but I almost wish they'd cancel AMC. I've been watching since about 1975 and cancelling would be the only way to get me to stop watching with horror as it circles the drain. Is a quality story too much to ask? Sigh...

Mel Got Served said...

At least we're upgrading to HD. Though I fear if I saw Opal's neon orange/yellow/pink dress from Friday in HD my eyes would have been burned from their sockets.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone fear that with GH and AMC the soap that will be canceled is OLTL. I mean as the people on DC mentioned OLTL doesn't have any break out stars. GH has Luke and Laura and AMC has Erica Kane and Adam Chandler.

I mean if you don't watch or work in the soap business you would know who Erika Slezka is

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Karen Kaye. I wish they would just cancel it...because this isn't the AMC I signed up to watch back in the 80's and while loyalty (and a sense of masochism) forces me to stay tuned (even if my TiVo has allowed me to cut down the hour to about 20 watchable minutes), I am not sure that I want to hang on any longer. This move to LA is essentially hospice care. I am NOT amused.

- Jen

Bxgal said...

Jordan... I was starting to like new Jade, but the last time we saw her on the show was in Feb. when Casey found out of Jade and Emily's partnership... he told her to leave and she ran out of the house...
but i recently saw her in the music video for "good girls go bad" by cobra starship. she's like in the first 5 seconds buying stuff at the deli/club. when i saw that video i was like "wtf.. where is jade?" haha.

also, Zach should head back over to OLTL. i wasn't watching it when he was on, but him and marty have to be better than John and Marty. and i'm on Jordan's side... Zach is a punk!! he needs to be more like Jeff Branson on GL (from the clips i saw) and Billy Miller (who i love on Y&R!!)

Arizonagal said...

Jordash, some of the articles I read about the move are hailing Frons as a hero for saving AMC from the grim soap reaper.

"Brian Frons, ABC's Daytime Chief, "The move to Los Angeles enables both ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE to dramatically improve the series production models and achieve significant efficiencies while enhancing each show. We had to examine every option on the table to combat the current economic realities, and rising costs of production, and we are doing it in a way that makes each of our shows stronger." "Obviously, we are grateful to be able to keep going," one AMC actress tells Digest. "But how this will affect all of us in the cast and crew remains to be seen."

"Shit Storm" = Ashley, you have coined a new phrase which will forever be in my vocabulary, especially when I refer to AMC!

Anonymous said...

Is the podcast going to be posted on Itunes? Hope so!

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch the AMC reference on Drop Dead Diva?


Shadow said...

Remember in The Jerk when Steve Martin gets excited when the new phone book arrives? That's what a Monday podcast is like. Me yelling (inside) "The new podcast is here! The new podcast is here!"

For any of you who haven't seen The Jerk. Steve Martin stars as Navin Johnson, an idiot who grew up in Mississippi as adopted son of a poor black family. On his 18th birthday he sets out to discover the world and leaves for .... St. Louis. Everyone exploits his naivety, but then a simple invention brings him a fortune. It's hilarious.

Shadow said...


The podcast is up and I was able to download it quickly.

Mark said...

I am at the point where I am deleting my DVR'd AMC and watching OLTL with out FF.

Odd, I started watching OLTL during the Music Box Killer storyline and got hooked. I can't say that AMC has had a story line that could hook me in years.

Sad state of affairs.


Shadow said...

Monday on AMC

Beaker gave Ryan a "verbal smackdown". Who could kick whose ass if they went mano y mano?Beaker is kind of skinny, but I don't think Ryan could handle a punch to the face. Or snap of his thong.

Yeah JOE!! Something tells me that we should cherish every scene with Dr. Joe while we can. Come January, I doubt we’ll see him much more. I *hate* that. Joe is awesome!

Adam getting Viagra/Levitra. Funny or sad? I can’t decide. It could be a moving nod to Adam's maturity--even an opportunity for a nice product placement. Hello Pratthole, you could get some press out of this if you don't eff it up. Adam’s worried about his "business performing well" and “holding up” and seeking “stamina insurance” and a “personal stimulus package”. David said the prescription will come in a sealed package from the "Mr. Happy Factory". So you made the cute quips. Now can you turn it into a meaningful story or is this just going to be another plot point?

Holy shit! Zach told Ryan to call before he comes over. Security had to let Ryan into the Chandler house. A shocking display of personal boundaries. Of course, now that Kendall is apparently home, boundaries facilitate the plot. Of course.

I don't know about Adam, but Beaker doesn't have any problems popping a chubb for Ebabe.

KWAK tried to distinguish Babe from Ebabe by explaining Ebabe is a thinker and Babe flew by the seat of her pants. I recall Babe as baby stealing trailer trash while Ebabe worked in a nasty massage/sex parlor. Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but...

Wow, Emma knows how to charge a phone, hide the phone, dial the phone, lie about murder. She's a little cutiepie.

I guess they're going to hide Kendall away in the safe room we've never seen before for however many months it takes her to birth that baby. Or forever if she doesn't move to LA.

Shadow said...

I ran across this funny take on AMC. Thank goodness we have eachother here on the blog and don't have to resort to pretending that characters on AMC are real. Check it out:

Anonymous said...

See I am not feeling Emma because she isn't cute but crazy. I think they need to get that child serious help

jordan hudson said...

ADAM MAYFIELD IS HOT! He was so the reaon to watch AMC yesterday. What a man , what a man , what a mighty good man...yes he is.

Forget Ebabe ...Scott and Annie together is hot. She needs a real man after being paired with those two dimwits Aidumb and Cryan.

Thou I did love Scott beign all man and kisisng ebabe. The reason it doesnt work for me thou is when did they establish anything was going on between them . They have given us so many scenes of Jr and Ebabe bonding glancing at each other etc etc....Yet Scott and her not so much. Another thing is how the writers miss opportunities. Ryan and Scott have a past. They were both in love with Gillian. When Scott confronted him there was no use of the fact that these two men have a history. Stupid.

Did not like the whole Viagra bot with Adam. It is just again cutting the character of Adam down as a strong man. It seems that all Pratt wants to do is make Adam the buffon...don't like it.

I did like OLTL thou. I love that a man and a woman can be just firends and confidents. Rachel and Schuyler being buds so love it. and hey Judy Blight can hire someone who is goodlookign and can act it is possible. I like Elijiah on OLTL he is hot but can act.

MAKE DARBI A REGULAR ON AMC. We need a reporter with Brooke not around.

Unknown said...

I just listen to the podcast and it was great as usual.

In regards to the behind the scene jobs, one of the reasons AMC is moving is because of the union wages and rules. Specifically, the cost of breaking down and rebuilding the sets, which I believe is done on a daily basis per union rules. When they move to CA the will than be under the CA union rules and can build permanent sets thus eliminating a major expense. I also believe that the rest of the union wages are less in LA than in NY.

And because they are two different unions the crew from NY would have to reapply for the LA jobs and would not have any seniority.

Terry in Toronto said...

I can't see that Susan Lucci is going to pick up and move to LA. She's a grandmother and is firmly established in New York. All My Children without Erica Kane just would not and could not be the same show. In many respects though Frons and Pratt have altered the show so dramatically that it already is a whole different show. Definitely not your momma's AMC. I hate to be a harbinger of doom but I cannot see the show surviving more than a year past the move.

Bxgal said...

Jordan... do you remember that the actor who plays Elijiah on OLTL, played Terry (annie's first husband) on AMC. I thought he wasn't that bad on AMC. and I know whats coming up with Elijiah's character... i'm so excited for it!

Shadow said...

Word is that the AMC moving drama is spilling over in to OLTL now. Paycuts and moves have allegedly pissed them off. Interesting times at ABC. You can tell them what you think:

Anne Sweeney, President ABC Television
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Brian Frons, President ABC Daytime
500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521

Frank Valentini, Executive Producer OLTL
56 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

Ron Carlivati, Headwriter OLTL
77 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

ABC Daytime Feedback:
212-456-7777 ext 4

Anonymous said...

Who gives a flying flip about Rebecca Budig/Greenlee? I don't anymore. Stole Sabine Singh's job, came back and did a shi+ job, took the money and ran, and now wants a paycheck again. I'm done with her.

As much as I love Melissa Claire Egan, I don't think you can build a whole show around her.

For me, a big problem with the show is that it is so disconnectd. You don't have the sense of history. They GUTTED all the major families, slowly are getting rid of the older people...and thus severing all ties to the past.

Soaps are about history, and legacies, and AMC is now effectively cut off from history. They might as well switch to TELENOVELA format and have different characters and storylines in small arcs, because history no longer matters. You can tell this by the way characters are assasinated on the show.

I think the reason they gave the actors a week, was so that they can begin to write crappy exit stories for those who choose not to go. Although since Pratt sucks, I hate to see what he has planned for them.

My favorite show is dead. I am no longer watching AMC. After 20 years, I can't believe I am no longer watching! I am really pissed about this move, which doesn't make a lot of sense, but at least some of the younger actors will be out there so they can possibly get better jobs.

Crystal said...

How to get rid of all those pesky characters? Oooo I know! The satin slayer escapes and makes his long awaited return. Gold, I tell ya. I can hear Pratt rubbing his hands together in glee.

Melissa said...

This is so painful! I can't see Susan Lucci moving, but of course, Aiden Turner is first on the train west. We just can't get rid of that guy! There was a mention of a "big name" returning with the move... any ideas who it might be?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday's AMC:

The air conditioning is out, yet Adam can still walk around in a 3 piece suit?

Well, I guess old people like the heat.


DancingElf88 said...

Just listened to the podcast and I am so happy to hear your voiced over my headphones.
Ashley I'm going to have to disagree with you about Brokeback Mountain. I saw it and was not feeling it.
I'm so devastated that AMC is moving. That's crap. I think cutting them down to a half hour would do the trick.
I'm with you guys about Crystal Hunt. I mean I'm over the storyline but I like her as an actress and as a character.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully somewhere between NY and LA, Confusion will lose that hideous bar that is all lit up.

When will they realize that that kind of lighting is not flattering on anyone???


Crystal said...

Anyone else think this was decided after Pratt had a 'man to man' convo with Rebecca's hubby??? They played golf, went to a strip club and came up with this awesomest idea ever!

JK! ;)

Arizonagal said...

Glad to hear some of you aren't feeling EBabe. I don't think she is much better than Randi. She's gawky and inexperienced. Bugs me the way she smiles through her words, it's so unnatural...

Still, I'd hate to see AMC canceled. What would happen to the podcast!? That is the only reason I am still hanging in with this lame damned show.

The end of AMC is not going to be a booze-filled tear fest.

The end of this podcast would definitely be a booze-filled tear fest. Don't know what I'd do w/o Ash and Jordan!

The end of GL is most definitely going to be a booze-filled tear fest. My BFF and I already have that one planned.

Shadow said...

Feeling nostalgic for the some really great soapy AMC moments. Here are a few gems I found to share.















discodan said...

So Annie has been really hot running around in the bathing suit for the last few days. More please. =]

Gene said...

Why didn't they just move the show to Connecticut? Yeah, because Fronzie want the vets to not go so he can renamed the show, Melrose Place:AMC addition. I understand that the production was costing the show over, but now OLTL has to worry about production cost, too if AMC is moving, why not OLTL? Yeah, because Frons don't have his buddies running that place there. Ashley, congrats on the twins and hope that the soap be around for a few years, but I doubt it. :(

DancingElf88 said...

watched OLTL and I loved it! My David Vickers is back I am so ecstatic. That stuff with him and Dorian was comic gold. I liked the Blair/Rex scene too.
Little Matthew is taking after his grampa Asa a little bit. I like it. I love Rachel.
That Greg Evans is sexy but I'm torn between Rachel and Shawn and Rachel and Greg. Great episode. I can't make myself watch AMC.

Terry in Toronto said...

I'm with you Elf. OLTL was terrific today. Always a treat when David Vickers is on and I loved how he played Dorian and then her reaction when she found the "phone". I also think Rachel is the casting coup of the year. For an actress to come onto an ensemble show like OLTL playing a character that has been recast a few times and then fit in as amazingly well as she has speaks volumes for her ability. I like Rachel with Shawn. Greg thinks he's hot S*1t, and he is cute, but Shawn is a keeper.

Looking forward to more on Kyle and Fish. This storyline could have gone wrong at so many turns but as usual Carlivatti and his team have crafted it just right so everything is falling into place and I'm totally buying it. I should be hating Kyle about now for all the bad things he's done and Fish has gone from nice guy to being on the down low. Poor, poor Layla.

DancingElf88 said...

Terry I think Greg's arrogance is why I kind of like him. I love Shawn though...that's why I'm torn.
I'm excited for the Kyle and Fish story too. I should hate Kyle but I don't. Brett Claywell is amazing.

discodan said...

So Jordan, did u enjoy Scott on Tuesday? Him and Annie have so much chemistry

Mel Got Served said...

Discodan, I am dyiiiiing for Scott and Insannie. I would love for this pair- HOT HOT HOT!

Shadow said...

Tell 'em all what's on your mind.

Charles Pratt, Jr.
All My Children
ABC Studios
320 West 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

Any actor or actress at AMC
All My Children
ABC Studios
320 West 66th St.
New York, NY 10023
Julie Hanan Carruthers, Executive Producer
All My Children
ABC Studios
320 West 66th St.
New York, NY 10023

Luis Merino said...

Great Podcast Jordan & Ashley! I would like to say though -- last time I really didn't get mad about what was said about Mormons. I just wanted to set the record straight. :)

I love you guys and don't think I could ever get mad!

sethbook said...

Honestly, I am glad it's AMC that's going to LA and NOT One Life, because if a move like this is bound to destroy a show, why not AMC? It's already 3/4 dead, and I say that with a heavy heart, as I had watched AMC from June 1982 through the ridiculous death of Stuart Chandler. I had a six-week pile-up of episodes on my DVR but really couldn't watch any of it. The show has gotten boring and repetitive. I feel like I have been hearing the same four conversations for years. So, if a move is a final death blow, let AMC take it. At least OLTL is still appointment soap viewing for me.

I wonder if any soaps are going to even survive to 2015 at this point. ATWT is clearly not going to survive 2010, and I think AMC or OLTL is bound to be cancelled within two years. GL is done taping now. I would love it if ABC would maybe just shift the shows to SoapNet, but Frons is pretty much destroying that network and priming it for a name change with all the bad reality shows he's putting on over there.

Shadow said...

I don't know if any of u were able to view any of those clips I posted (got a bit carried away) but it they are amazing in their simplicity. Good dialogue. Great acting. Perfect pacing. Gorgeous spacious sets though. No contrivances. No cussing just some articulate intelligent verbal lashings. The recipe isn't as hard as they want tpo make it. If they went back to. Asics like in the clips and then promoted it like they are capable of doing, I think they could stabilize these shows. Now there's too much emphasis on sweeps, stunts rather than basic good storytelling and compelling drama. That clip of Estelle dying makes me cry like a sissy girl. Phoebe cooly threatening Donna was scarier than any of the BS David spews now. Marian's lashing of Zach Grayson was as riveting a performance then as her courtroom performance last week because she is a real actress! And back then there was as much a focus on friendship as conflict. C'mon Pratt, watch and learn before it's too late!!

Crystal said...

Something struck me as funny while listening to the podcast. You were saying how JaLu looks good in some light and bad in others...remember that Seinfeld episode where Jerry was dating that girl like that? Two faced, lol.

Tasha from Brooklyn, NY said...

Sorry to save that if one show is going to be canceled it will be OLTL. Frons will fight to save AMC because his pal Pratt writes it. OLTL is okay I can leave Starr and Cole

Terry in Toronto said...

I think you're right Tasha. OLTL is the better show right now but AMC has the behind-the-scenes connections. So sad that quality is no longer a consideration.

Bxgal said...

Did all of you hear about Ya Ya being cast a Vanessa Williams daughter on Ugly Betty? Good for her!!!

Shadow said...

The chatter about who is and isn't moving sure is quiet this week. I'm surprised we aren't hearing more.

discodan said...

RIP Sexy moments on AMC

Mel Got Served said...

Terry the "Pet-a-feel" is on OLTL! I'd die to hear Taylor Crawford pronounce his name again- looooved Pet-a-feel.

Tasha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't totally love Starr and Cole. I was hoping we'd get to see Starr get another love interest (Not Markko- someone new), then maybe a triangle. I don't watch OLTL often but do keep up with summaries, but Starr and Cole just don't get me going like say Jess/Brody or Insannie/Scott (wishful thinking)

Michael said...

Shadow, those clips were great.

By sheer coincidence, I watched some of those clips last week. I posted this long sappy comment about how serial drama is this unique precious entertainment that we might lose someday soon. I deleted when I reread it and it seemed so ridic. Dorothy Lyman as Opal, those scenes at Phoebe’s and Mona’s memorial and anything with James Mitchell as Palmer—all priceless. We do live with these characters for decades, and we suffer with them and watch their joy. I love SOAPS!!

Shadow said...

Amph- I appreciate the sappy blogs because I feel the same way. My hope is that maybe there is some tiny chance someone who matters will see it and be inspired to make things right again for the fans. If they see a heartfelt message, maybe it will help them understand what draws us to the show. Of course it's always been about the business and ad dollars, but like everything the emphasis has swung way so far on the side of "market research" and statistics that nobody is paying attention to the art of the soaps or how those practices are stifling the creativity of soaps. I don't like Pratt's style, but it's got to be tough for anyone trying to write around constant contract negotiations. He isn't good, but ABC isn't doing him any favors either. What are the writers supposed to be doing right now? They have no clue who they will be writing for in the next 4 or 5 months. These California rumors have been circulating for over a year. It makes me wonder what they had told Budig and Reigel to get them back? Did ABC mention to them that LA is a possibility and then when it didn't happen Budig and Reigel left? Suddenly their stories and performances just stalled and flamed out. Was Pratt talking out of his ass a few months ago about Budig's return or did he know something the rest of the cast didn't yet? It all seems like one big giant cluster-effe. I'm especially sad for Susan Lucci and the vets. I'm sure they have thought about the end of the show coming someday, but I'm sure they never thought they would be disrespectfully blindsided and forced to make a career decision in a week after investing 20-35 years in the show. ABC Daytime obviously needs a business person to run the business, promote the brand and watch the profitability, but it's equally important to have a true storyteller in charge of the "stories". Carlivatti is great, but they barely support him. There is a total disconnect between the business and the art that has to be addressed for this or any show to succeed.

So sap away my friend. Blogs like that are the best focus group feedback they could hope for and it's free to them! If their programming block fails, it won't be because we didn't warn them. People aren't dissing the show over plots specifically anymore. They are criticizing the shows, or in the case of OLTL praising the shows, conceptually. If they don't conceptually address how the shows are written and presented to the viewer, all ABC will accomplish in this move is the relocation of a problem from one coast to another, and watching how miserably the network is treating some of its most loyal and senior employees, would speak volumes to me.

Tasha from Brooklyn, NY said...

See OLTL lost me with the whole rapemance(Daytime Confidential). I was watching during the first rape and it was horrid to see the whole Marty -Todd coupling was sicker than anything you would see on AMC. It is like Michael Cambias coming back from the dead and marrying Bianca( yes I know she is a lesbian). I also got tired of the whole baby storyline that child should be with Marcy.

Terry in Toronto said...

I remember Ped-O-Phil from the Taylor Crawford days of the PVP. He bit it when special Johnny got a gun and stalked him to the cabin in the woods where Ped-O-Phil had lured special Lilly. I wonder what is in his dossier on Tea.

I agree with you Tasha that the rapemance was awful and that Todd was never punished for that but I do believe that Hope is better off with her biological family.

Arizonagal said...

The sparks were flyin' with Annie and Scott. Will TIIC feel this and give us a couple we can root for? Hope so. I don't want to see Annie just wasting time being Adam's pure evil girl fiend. Scott and Annie produced some steam and damn, when did she get so hot?

brtedi said...

"...Jordan... do you remember that the actor who plays Elijiah on OLTL, played Terry (annie's first husband) on AMC...."

I was wondering if anyone else noticed he was the same actor...'Terry the perv' was the guy who tried to molest Lily. Jonathan Lavery went medeval on the guy. Jonathan hit his head and shortly there after, Jon evolved from 'Jonathan lite' (aka special Johnny) to 'standard issue Jonathan'--BTW, names like "Jonatard" or "Gump John", on various message boards, used to really bug me! X-(


jordan hudson said...

Needless to say the last two episodes of AMC have left quite speechless. I need a drink. Talk about brining sexy back....It's so not fair. Why...why can't he be on my team. Adam Mayfield was so hot, sexy, dreamy, all man. What a body. I'm so in love.

Forget Ebabe. A hot triangle is Scott Annie and JR. Those three together was so hot regardless how silly the storyline is They were the only thing I enjoyed. Liza allowing David to kiss her even for a nano second shows that Pratt does not know Liza. I hate what they have doen to Jesse. Erica as a 16 year old girl is annoying. This show has gone the way of Passions. This whole business with Zach hiding Kendall in a secret room, paying a woman to stay in jail in her place and a cross dressing baby.....I'm just waiting for them to introduce a witch, a little person and a chimp, bring it on pratthole you know you want to.

Terry in Toronto said...

Hey Jordan,

Regarding your post above: That's why I watch One Life To Live!

Anonymous said...

Hey just a suggestion... tell me what you all think. I think that all of us in NY or NYC, should meet up one day and discuss AMC, OLTL, or whatever it may be. I'm from NY and I think it would be really fun!

Crystal said...

Jordan, in a way I disagree. The 'plot points' are crazy but, what soap isn't? I think the overall ideas are fine it is the dialogue and the lack of character development along with pacing that makes it so bad right now.
If they had to hide baby Hope on OLTL (maybe from the drug dealers) and dressed her up as a boy and stuck her in with Moe and Noelle would we think that was as horrible?

I guess it also has to do with characters acting out of character. Like Jesse. I have no idea why he is doing any of this.

brtedi said...

Angie is wearing 'Cher hair', today...LOL!

Melissa said...

Thanks Mel! I couldn't figure out who he was - Ped-i-Phil! Thanks ;-)

Anyone else dislike Amanda's hair with all that blonde in it? don't fix what ain't broke!

Shadow, many, many thanks for the You Tube highlights. It makes me so sad for those days on AMC, but they are so worth watching.

Laura said...

Confessions of a Pine Valley Podcast Addict. I saw on my IPhone a new podcast was up. Nowhere in Iowa could I find wireless service, until I stopped in some small town for dinner. I stood outside the local coffee shop with wireless internet, it was closed, hooked up to there wireless and got my podcast. I stood outside for half an hour and looked like a weirdo. But it made the drive to my mom's so much more enjoyable. Great podcast, please promise us you'll switch to something else if AMC goes away.

If the TIIC want to save some money, they should just show old soap reruns. I would rather watch the clips Shadow mentioned than the new stuff. Classic AMC or Ryan's Hope or Edge of Night has got to be better than this crap. That idiot Frons could be showing it on SoapNet, but no we get 90210 for like 30 hours a week.

I have been out of town, who is Terry playing on OLTL, what character is that?

I did see my David Vickers today.

On the noon news here, Walt Willey was showing them how to make some grilled fish. That may be his new job, a cooking segment on the noon news in Chicago. I drove through his hometown yesterday on my way home.

If ABC was smart they'd tap Lucci to fill in on the days Barbara Walters is gone on the View. But ABC daytime and smart is an oxymoron.

I watched the last half of AMC with my daughter, she asked some questions I explained how the storylines were too dumb to explain. So we talked about the hair. I don't remember Angie ever having her hair like that. But she looks so good.

I think they should just rename AMC when it goes out west, like they did with Loving/The City. Because it won't be the same soap. Maybe Pine Valley Place, since Pratt's writing is very Melrose Place like.

Thanks Ashley and Jordan for taking time out of your busy lives for adding joy to my life. I love you and all the posters as much as I hate the show right now.

Arizonagal said...

Laura, my name is Cristina and I am a PV podcastaholic too!

Sometimes I download the PC and just save it for the right time of day, usually during lunch when I am eating while working and then I give myself that boost that gets me through the afternoon.

The hubby and I got direct TV yesterday, over 260 channels of whatever floats your boat. My god, we may never leave the house again. Within an hour of coming home from work I had all my soaps programmed in and was surfing like a pro.

Michael said...

Anyone need another reason to hate the boorish, brainless Mr. Frons?
Click here to go to the interview he did about the end of GL.

Laura said...

Thanks for the article. That Brian Frons is a cold-hearted SOB.

Today on AMC, Randi finally had someone to act with of her caliber. Baby Trevor!

It sounds like the AMC people have until Labor Day to decide.

Fire Frons, fire Pratt!

Hi, my name is Laura and I'm a Pine Valley Podcast addict!

Mel Got Served said...

Big Brother fans!!! Something HUGE, absolutely huge, happened on the feeds last night. Won't ruin it for non-feeders but I'll say I don't think Thursdays episode will be what Julie Chen predicted last week.

Shadow said...

How about the Nelson Blanco post that the backup plan Frons has if Lucci doesn't move is to hire Deirdre Hall or Genie Francis for AMC? (Not an Erica recast.)

Anonymous said...

OMG check out the head a-hole in charge of ABC Daytime commenting on GL's cancellation for Wall Street Journal. WTF? it's seems he must be suffering some delusions of grandeur because *reading between the lines* one could see, he swears ABC is thriving.
So it’s not a big deal that “Guiding Light” is ending?

Fathead: We’ve gotten used to soaps lasting so many years, the death of one takes on all this drama. But “Guiding Light” has been a poor performer for many many years.

What about personally for you? It’s kind of like your old high school being demolished, no?

Fathead: No. It’s taking a patient off life support, not a sudden tragic death in the family or anything. I was sadder when I heard about production changes, lots of technical behind-the-scenes stuff that starts to affect talent and quality.

you've got to be kidding me! oh, STFU like you should talk! no wonder these shows are barely hanging by a thread and are going down a tube. it's because of pea brains like that!*ugh*

Bxgal said...

FYI for all those david vickers fans!!!

Tuc Watkins is gonna be on the Wendy Williams Show tomorrow!!

I'll be watching!

Mel Got Served said...

I watched Friday's episode in about 20 minutes because I was able to fast forward through all the Ryan and Erica stuff. I absolutely hate this story and will FF til it ends.

And I don't have as much history with the show as everyone else, so don't stone me, but I'd loooove some Deidre Hall. Before AMC, I was a dedicated Days fan so anything to for some Marlena would make my day!

Funny that Frons would let Genie Francis front AMC, yet refuses to hire her full time for GH.

#1DaisyFan said...

As much as I have loved Jennifer Bassey's performance, her going on and and on about how this has effected her and not once stopping to ponder, "oh, this is how I effected Zach Grayson's family," is beyond stupid. Do some F-ing research writers!!!

Michael said...

Here is the deal: when they announced the move, they made a point of saying AMC was ABC’s legacy show, that it had characters that were known to people that did not even watch soaps. Who could that possibly refer to but Erica Kane? I have to think that all this name dropping is just gamesmanship and maneuvering. I like Deidre Hall and Genie Francis, but more than any other soap, All My Children depends on a singular character—Erica Kane. No veteran of another soap can fill that void because Erica is tied to every character in Pine Valley.

Keri said...

Haven't posted on here in a long while but I thought that it was imperative to encourage fans of AMC and ABC Daytime to head over to the Wall Street Journal article and comment on it. Wall Street may not care about soaps but they do care about money. I think that this article is a great opportunity to bring light to what Frons is doing to this genre. Hopefully someone at Disney will notice and start having second thoughts as to where this buffoon is concerned.

BELINDA said...

Interview with the vampire (Frons, who along with Pratt, is sucking the life out of AMC):

jordan hudson said...

BRIAN FRONS MUST GO!!!!! I would have said soemthing else but don't wish that on anyone. He is truly the biggest Douchebag ever. How dare he comment on GL at all. HEY FRONS SHUT YOUR PRATTHOLE AND WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN THREE SHOWS YOU DUMBASS. IF I EVER SAW YOU ON THE STREET I WOULD SPIT IN YOUR FACE LIKE THAT GIRL FROM FLAVA OF LOVE YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSH&*^!

You make no sense. You want Lucci out and you actually think Diedre Hall can fill her size 0 dress. Please. You wont allow Genie to return to GH but your willing to have her on AMC. You dumbass her character Sierra form AMC died on Loving.

Sorry people but AMC without Erica Kane and Susan Lucci is where I draw the line. The final straw. If she goes I go. There is no AMC without her. I'm disgusted by Frons and what should now be obvious attempts to get the vets off AMC. he can kiss my puertorican ass. This man is the biggest D&*% ever. God I despise him how does he have this job. He is so inept at it. UGHHH!!

Thank god for my Sunday night shows. Started with Easy Money, Merlin, Drop Dead Diva, MAD MEN, Hung and Entourage. Army Wives and True Blood are on the DVR for tomorrow.

DDD had me crying. Mad Men was just stunning. I will miss Easy Money and Merlin. HUNG is hysterical and Entourage is Entourage. Almsot caught up with True Blood and a tad behind on Army Wives.

AMC was so boring Thursady that I saw ten minutes and had to stop. I saw Friday and got through that episode. I have to watch Thursday but it's too hot here in NYC to endure Rancid.

discodan said...

Hey guys,

I'm going down on Monday and moving into my dorm Tuesday. I'm so excited...wooo lol

As far as Genie Francis and Deidre Hall coming to AMC, I really think that there's no possible way of that ever working. Deidre Hall is a star, who deserves to be on a show working, but to have her replace Susan Lucci, who is AMC, would make fans hate her immediately. That's not what fans of Deidre Hall would really want at all. Now if they were on the same show, I'd be in soap heaven.

As far as Genie Francis, that's never going to work. She's too busy making bad Hallmark movies for her ever to return to the soap biz...especially AMC. Ceara was killed on Loving, so that's out.... and its not like Jeremy Hunter is around to facilitate a possible twin storyline. And frankly, I don't want her on AMC. I want her on GH...


As a GH watcher and seeing what magic has come and gone, I never want to see Luke paired with Laura again. Most fans agree that the last return proved that the magic just isn't there, as a romantic pairing. Luke and Tracy became the endgame couple that everyone loves. I'm not saying Laura doesn't deserve a coupling. I'm just saying that it shouldn't be Luke. Maybe bring in Scotty, have her forgive him for murdering her stepfather and letting her take the rap, and see if anything's still there... They're already going to be bringing Serena back aged anyways...

discodan said...

BTW, two more confirmed AMC moves:

Krystal (Bobbie Eakes)
Natalia (Shannon Kane)

Mel Got Served said...


The former Reggie Montgomery is heading to DILLON, TEXAS FOR FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!!!

Terry in Toronto said...

I'm with you Jordan! There is no replacing Susan Lucci. Without Erica Kane they might as well rename the show. Actors and characters have come and gone some more memorable than others but everyone thinks of Erica and Susan Lucci when they hear the name All My Children. It's clear that management's only goal is to bury the show. Putting Randi front and centre says it all.

Melissa said...

I agree with everyone about Susan Lucci, so I won't go into a rant - I couldn't rant any better than all of y'all!

I will say this... one of the things that makes AMC stand out as an ABC soap is Erica as a breakout character. She's a household name, even if the household never turned on a daytime show.

On to happier thoughts, namely ADAM MAYFIELD! Who would have thought seemingly skinny Scott Chandler is rockin abs of steel!!! That's no six pack... that's the whole brewery ;-) Just keep him naked and you can have me as an AMC lifer, no matter how bad the storyline is.

jordan hudson said...

Solution for Alicia Minshew. She needs to join OLTL as Cassie Kramer Dorian's daughter. Yes I know she is to young for the role but she would be so great on OLTL and playing yet another Diva's daughter.

ATWT was the funniest episode ever ....what huh they were going for drama....oppsie

jordan hudson said...

Crazy Daisy Im so with you on Adam Mayfield. Talk about a pick me up. I was so lost without him on Thursday and Friday. I hope Annie keeps flashbacking to that moment. I know I'am.

Rocket Science Mom said...

Yup, they should have just cancelled the show, done three months of great stories where all the old faces came back. I'd tune in every single day for that.

To her credit, Susan Lucci didn't lambaste anyone in the press, but I would not have faulted her if she did. And if she wants to stay with her family in NYC, more power to her!

I still cannot believe this is the show I literally scheduled my college courses around. I quit watching when they killed off Dix, and only learn about what's happening through you wonderful folks.

Suck it ABC daytime.

Shadow said...

I sat down to watch a few episodes of All My Children, but kept switching back to Millionaire Matchmaker. How have I never heard of this show? Totally addictive. AMC? Not so much. I'm watching it during the commercial breaks.

MCE in a bikini is totally hot but totally gratuitously pointless. and nobody else is sweating.

If I was Erica, I'd hire Livia and dump the freshman lawyer.

If Kendall is a A-List celebrity author and world renowned cosmetics executive and her case has been on every single gossip rag, I would think someone in the prison system may have have noticed that the girl in the cell isn't her. Fucking stupid Pratt! It could NEVER happen. It's not even creative enough to just suspend disbelief. It's just ridiculously stupid. Not fun. Not cliche cute. Just idiotic. Suck it Pratt.

Shadow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mel Got Served said...

Not to mention, Kendall has a heart condition and takes medication. Some poor Kendall lookalike is being pumped with probably dozens of pills per day. She'll probably OD in her cell.

Laura said...

Does the lookalike have a heart scar?

The big news on Daytime Confidential is that Victoria Rowell may be returning to Y&R. Jordan, you haven't seen nothing yet until you have seen Miss Rowell in action. The black characters on there now are like freaking incestuous aliens. Please come back Dru!

Shadow said...

Every time I see Ian, I think about My Name is Earl when his ex-wife’s (Joy) parents came to visit. Joy worried that her conservative parents would “crap in a sock” if they found out she divorced Earl to marry a black man named Darnell. For years afterward Joy convinced Earl to keep pretending to be her husband. Joy’s baby by Darnell was black with a giant curly afro, Earl had to lie about it to her parents. To try to explain how he and Joy had a black baby, Earl said, “you know how sometimes two uhh black people will make an albino baby?”

Anonymous said...

Tuesday's scenes of Erica and Ryan in New York leave me with one reaction: VOMITTING.

I haven't watched all week - - what the hell is going on with Angie's hair? It's like when Oprah straightened her hair & everyone protested - - didn't work for Oprah, isn't working for Angie. Go back to the cute curls!


Arizonagal said...

So JordAsh, where are the photos of Jordan's guns? Still waiting for your pics Jordan. And Ash, when you have a moment - ha - a update on the twins?

Is it going to feel like east coast Pine Valley on the hot left coast? Nothing like dying a slow death. This is torture. I'm almost tired of wishing for some improvement, like Scott and Annie, ultimately even if we get what we wish, Pratthole will eff it up, so what's the point.

Shadow, speaking of the Jerk, remember what his special purpose was?

Melissa said...

Jenny, I so agree! It's as if Annie's new haircut was getting such attention that Angie decided to get her own! It's so unflattering on her - bring back the curls!!!

Anonymous said...

here's another, check out what Pratt-hole said in SOD in ref to vet WW/Jack's importance.

"The need for Jackson has been less and less...I don't think we'll be seeing a re-entrance of Jackson anytime soon."

i can't believe that so called professional writers who dare to call themselves writers....can admit so easily that they ran out of ideas for any character because i don't know about anyone else, but that sure is what i'm getting by him saying that.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for explaining the horrific subplots that have taken over AMC... Personally, after they fired or killed off my faves - Babe,'s been hard to tune into AMC, but I've been watching since 1971 & it's hard to let go... I'm watching less & less, because I cant' stand the destruction of the Hubbards into ashes before our eyes (racism at its best;... can't stand to see Ryass' face anymore- he doesn't have it to play ANY kind of script (they should have kept his brother Colin E. & gotten rid of Ry-wimp then)
And where are the other INTERESTING FOLKS- EdenR, Walt W, but now i get it why the subplots are getting weaker and weaker and more self-destructive-- Pratt must have insurance on AMC's demise.