Monday, July 30, 2007


That's it. Nothing else really needs to be covered.

Many of you wrote us wanting to know what we thought about the show this week. Now that you know what we think, what do you think? Tell us, please, here.

7/27/07 Podcast


Anonymous said...

this is the same one as last week... love your guys!

Ashley said...

you people are *way* faster than me! i'm still posting... should be up in a few....


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So Greenlee drives off a cliff and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? Fat chance! Greenlee is mean, selfish, constantly whining, self centered, spoiled, immoral and totally unlikable. In RL, if I knew someone like Greenlee, I would run screaming in the opposite direction. Why have TIIC chosen to give this character absolutely NO qualities whatsoever? The best thing I can say about Greenlee is that she is not an axe murderer. That just doesn't make good soap writing, at all! How are we supposed to ever connect with this character? Ashley and Taylor, can you name even one quality possessed by Greenlee?

Ashley said...

um, she has 5% body fat? uh, uh, she, uh, gives good foot rubs?

Anonymous said...

Great podcast Ashley and Pedro!!
Pedro had some pretty good jokes :]

As for the show, I'm not a very big fan of the Greenlee/Spike storyline, but I do think that there is some great acting going on here. Alicia Minshew is awesome! I also enjoy seeing Susan Lucci at the top of her game.

Ashley, I agree with you entirely that this whole Greenlee thing is just so unrealistic it's getting in the way of me enjoying my show!

Ugh, I thought this whole Erica and Jack thing was gonna be over but now they're fighting again! I like Erica and Jack together, but I'm so sick of them fighting. I miss Chris Stamp. Haha.

Anonymous said...

iMac: $1800
DSL: $29.99/month
Taylor and Ashley watching AMC for me: Priceless

Anonymous said...

I love it when you talk like Aidan Ashely! It's so spot on! Is the whole Taylor seeing a sick relative a joke. I always thought it was.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Greenlee, 5% body fat? Coupla my mom's tamales would fatten that chica right up, trust me! Huh? Gives good what? Oh, foot rubs.. Whew!

Well, you did it Ashley, you found some (cough) "qualities" in Greenlee. To be fair to Sabine Singh, she is really giving this role 110%, but playing a high maintenance bitch should just have a bigger payoff, for SS; for us, the long-suffering viewers; and for Ashley and Taylor, who watch the show so we don't have to >;-)

Anonymous said...

thanks guys like always we appreciate it!;o)

BTW, Taylor i have some fabulous news for you although the jury is still out for how long but i know you'll like this return, from SOD:
HANNAH (Stacey H.) IS COMING BACK ON 9/14!!! i guess we'll find out what happened between her and Zach now, huh!

Anonymous said...

Where's a good coma when you need one? I know it's been done to death, but wouldn't it have been wonderful if Greenlee had been in coma country for a couple of weeks? Not one of those hyperactive Kendall comas, but a nice, quiet JR coma, without all the subconscious crap. That would have been a nice break from all the whining!

Anonymous said...

that's not a bad idea,
Greenlee could take a page out of Dixie's book and go spend a few YEARS in a coma in Switzerland or wherever. :]

Aprillian said...

Btw, the woman in the flashback with Greenlee wasn't Mary Smythe it was her mother, Greenlee's grandmother. They were emphasizing how her parents were never around.
good job with the podcast.

Aprillian said...

Oh and Greenlee was in Kendal's car so her phone wasn't paired to the car's Bluetooth speaker.

Anonymous said...

Ashley girl where are ya? I need my sunday fix! :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this week's podcast. Thanks for watching the show for us, so we don't have to waste hours of our life waiting for the show to get better.

Also, I am one of the viewer's Ashley and Taylor mentioned. I did not stop watching the show because I am disloyal or because I want to be cool. I have been watching for 28 years and I finally reached the end of my rope. I know I will come back someday, but I needed a break.

As soon as the writing improves and we are no longer treated like children watching SAVED BY THE BELL, I will return. I love this show and all the characters.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow, no podcast from Taylor and Ashley. Where are ya'll? Have you decided to stop torturing yourselves and give up on AMC? You guys are the brightest spot of my Monday mornings!!

And a comment on the show... Kudos to Alicia Minshew for some stellar performances last week! She has been a breath of fresh air.

Anonymous said...

I actually watched the show this week. I was feeling guilty for putting the burden on Ashley and Taylor. Actually, it wasn't too bad! Hopefully, I didn't pick up my slack too late. I am afraid their HD tvs finally decided enough was enough and refused let them tune in ABC during AMC!

Anonymous said...

I need my fix! Where's the podcast, babies???

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Where are you guys!!!!???? I hope everything is okay!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yo podcasters, toss us a crumb, throw us a bone. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

Zarf/Zoey update!

Anonymous said...

Again with the entire address:

Anonymous said...

so sad without a podcast. i need everyone's opinion on this though.. are you sick of seeing erica's neck/chest. it's so nasty.

Anonymous said...

it's kinda wrinkly..
but come on, she's susan lucci!!